So, today was a little overcast and I needed to add a little color to it. What do you think? :)
I took this fluff that I got from an etsy seller by the name of Esther of Studio Woolwork. Look at how bright that stuff is! It was really curly and I wanted to see what it would look like mixed up and combed out.
Okay. This didn’t work at first. The curls were just too much for the combs. I had to brush it out with a dog brush that I use like a flicker, load it back on the combs, comb it out…and then, I got this…
…which I promptly spun into this.
I used one of my tiny Turkish Spindles from Threads Thru Time. This one is Tootie Frootie. Fun!
Unfortunately, it didn’t help me get this done, lol.
But I only have a little bit of it left, so I’m on schedule.
Besides, weekends are for taking breaks, right? :)
Filed under: Fiber, Fiber Prep, Handspinning, Handspun, Spindling, Spinning Wheel, Yarn & Fiber Love Tagged: drop spindle, fiber prep, handspinning, spindling, spinning, spinning wheel, wool locks